lørdag, februar 24, 2007

Not everything goes the way you plan!!

This weekend I was suppose to visit my sister in Haugesund, but since the road over the mountain is closed I can`t get there! So I took the train home to my perents today instead! So I`m at home this weekend:D And since I live where almost noone else does I can relax!!

Denna helga sgo eg egentli reisa t Haugesund for å besøke søstra mi, men så va veien øve Haukeli stengt å eg kom meg kje t Haugesund:( Så eg reiste heim idag, lørdag, i plassen for:) Så eg e heima på Lindefjell(ingen manns land) og kan få slappa a me nesten ingen menneska rundt meg!! d bli HERLIG!!

Since I don`t have a picture of my house, I show you the people thats in it...
God bless you all!!:-D

mandag, februar 19, 2007

Prosjekt Skien and love feast

Week 7: Project team week in Skien.
I`m just gonna tell you a little bit about this week.
- We made a drama with a dance in it.
- We was a good team
- We had a show on saturday night where we had our drama and som fun stuff afterwards.
- We did alot of stuff, but if was good!

Mondy 19th it was the boys love feast for the girls!
I can sey one thing about that, I did not have big expectations. I was really tired and didn`t care if it was gonna be a good or bad party. So when we came down to the basement they had "grandiosa-party" and I just got even more indifferent. I just thought I could go to bed early.

After maybe 15 min the firealarm went of and after that that they drove us around in the cars for over an our, they drove us back and forth around in Skien. And when we stoped the boys had made a lovely party for us and it was so beautiful!! But I was so tired and not to well, so I was not able to take any pictures. But I am thankful to the guys!! They did a really gooooood job!!!
Thank you, guys(if you read this!!)

You who read this is beautiful just the way you are!!

fredag, februar 09, 2007

Back from Scotland and 1 week with Ken Helser

Yes, so now I`m back from Scotland and I have had 1 week with teaching with a man called Ken Helser. He is so good! He really show Gods love just with being! He have learn me alot and God have worked alot with me the three last weeks. In scotland and the last week here in Norway! I just love to see how much God can do even thou it cost alot of pain sometimes! Its always better afterwards:-D And I am trying to write in english so that some of my english speaking friends can understand some of what I write here and I know that its not the best english;-)
Here is some of the pictures i have from Scotland :-D

(This is Brenda, she is a lovely woman who was on her DTS when she was 60!!)

(This is from a park nearby where I was sleeping. Dean is the name of it and its big and lovely to be there!!!)

(Some of the sinks had one for cold and one for warm water)

(This is one big public toilet, and it is so big that I just had to take a picture)

(This is down a street in Glasgow. The day we had of we went to Glasgow)

(My team is waiting for the bus to come after a long day in Glasgow)

(In the Bus)

(The cross in the church we was visiting)

(This is a painting of a creative woman of God!)

(Here we are eating dinner at Trish and Richard, to members of the church. Lyndee have theire bird on her head)

(James are making fire in the fire place and I just had to have a picture of the fire place, so here it is.)

(Kate and me.)

(This is Brenda and we are singing while Elise is taking the picture)

(James is 6,5 feets, around 2 meter!!)

(Mum and son, Jan and James)

(James and Mick)


(Me, myself and I)

(Scotland from the airplain)

(The sky over the clouts(I have no clue how I write that), øve skyan på norsk)

So I will just say that I love Scotland and I so want to go back there. I`m gonna ask if God want to send me there after I`m done with Sandane(that takes atleast two years)! Yes, I think this is enough of my english writing for this time!!!

Så nå øve t mitt morsmål:-) Eg hadde d heilt topp i Skottland, Gud jobba i meg å d hindra meg kanskje litt, men uansett så fekk eg så masse ut av å vera der!! Å eg tru aldri at eg he opplevd å ha så stor inflytelse på noen før som d eg hadde då eg va i Skottland. D kan jo vera pga at me ikkje e så åpne her i Norge!! Eg vil sei at Skottan e meir åpne enn nordmennan, men d e så veldig mye meir! Herre, takk for alt du jør i Skottland og gjennom "The lighthouse"! Eg tru egentli at eg vil trivas kor som helst sammen med Gud, men så fort eg ikkje klare å bruka mest tid på Gud vil eg bli veldig negativ!!

Så va d denna veka me Ken Helser!! Han ve så bra! Han fortalte om Gud å med hjelp a han he eg klart å tatt et skritt nærmare Gud. D som e me Ken då, e at du kan kje setta ord på k han he prata om for han prata om d som falle han inn. Å bli han full på DHÅ, så gjør han ingenting. Ellar han fortelle historia, synge sanga og drite i k me meine å syns!! Han e fri å d vil eg åo bli! Men må jobba veldig masse med d, ja!!

I love you, guys! You are so beautiful! God loves you more than I ever can!!