torsdag, juli 19, 2012

A sneak peak into the book I am reading =)

I am reading this book called "GOD CHICKS. Living life as a 21st century woman."
Written by Holly Wagner.
I just want to quote her here. It is both so ture and its told in a funny way :)

From page 12:
"Too many of us are looking for and wanting the talents and purposes of others. We spend valuable time wishing we were like someone else, and all the time we have our own treasures inside us... just waiting to be discovered. Edwin Elliot said it like this: By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before!
We are all supposed to do great things on the earth. And each of us is given different gifts, different tools, with which to do those great things. No one has time to waste being jealous of another. What is with that anyway?? I have been given unique gifts and talnets to help me fulfill the purpose I have on the planet. So have you. Your gifts and talents won`t help me fulfill my purpose... so it's ridiculous for me to want them. Sometimes we girls can be so nasty to each other! (Don't shake your head as if you don't know what I'm talking about!!) We look at someone with a talent and get jealous and mean rather than encouraging her as she runs her race, fulfilling her purpose.

Here's a way to look at it. We are all in the race headed for the finish line. And each is in her own lane. I believe my prize (which is God telling me, "Well done, Holly!") is at the end of my lane. If I were so busy wanting your talents and being jealous of them, then I would actually be trying to run my race from your lane, whiche would disqualify me. If I got to the finish line in your lane, I could just picture God saying, "Holly, what the heck are you doing here? Your prize isn't here... it's in your lane!" I certainly don't want that to happen. I am not supposed to be jealous of what you have been given. I should be encouraging you with your talents to finish your race.

How about all of us becomming cheerleaders for each other?? Pull out those pom-poms and cheer your friends on. There are some amazing women with amazing talents, and I consider it an honor to be on the planet at the same time they are. Together we will do awesome things for our God, but only if we encourage each other to fulfill our unique purposes rahter than tear each other down by being jealous."

I just thought this was said in such a good way I had to share it and yes I am reading this book in english. I hope this encouraged you as much as it encouraged me!
Have a blessed day.

tirsdag, juli 10, 2012

Cecilie and Espen get married! =)

I attended a beautiful wedding on june 30th. My friends Cecilie and Espen got married and are now very happy :)
For me the day started very early. I woke up before 6 am and were not able to fall asleep again, so I ate some breakfast and relaxed for some hours. Than I used some hours to get ready for the wedding here is one picture of me before I left to go to chuch.

In the car I put on a sweatshirt with a zipper and my sneakers ;) What a sight I was, hehe :)

I think the most challanging part of that day was between the church service and the dinner. But I got to talk to some of Espen's family and that was fun. I talked to his grandparents and if I remember correctly they live at a place called Konsmo and thats not that far from my best friends place. That was fun and they were real nice people.

The dinner started and it was fun. Cecilie's dad had a speach and I realized that he is good with words and I am so amazed with the things he said. Two things that I still remember is the advise he gave to Cecilie and Espen. To Cecilie he said that Espen can not read her mind not now, not ever. To Espen he said that she might use alot of words but listen to the emotions behind all the words.

Besides I am so proud of myself because I was there almost untill midnight than I had to drive all the way home to my parents place and that took me 1 hour and 35 min. I am very proud of myslef because I diden`t leave earlier. I am also so grateful to God that he gave me the strength to go to the wedding.

Here are some more pictures:

They arrived at Hald, Mandal where the reception was.