So its just 2 days and theres alot to do! Its so much and I don`t know where to start!! I`m just running around in my head doing nothing... Just like now! I`m sitting here writing my blog, when I should pack all my stuff that I don`t need for outreach! For we need to pack everything... I will survive I just don`t see how I will get time to do everything right now...
Anyway, I really look forward to Ecuador! Its gonna be so fun to see all the stuff God is gonna do through us!
God bless and take care of your self!
3 kommentarer:
Go tur! :)
Takk Anne Berit:)
Sga nå prøva på d! Gud velsigne deg masse!!
Nå e du sikkert allerede i Ecuador!! ÆÆÆ dette e exiting :)I mårå reise eg
Håpe dåkkår har det bra! Gå for Gud!
Stor klem
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