So I`m tinking about God! You know He`s great! And I am woundering about what he thinks every time we humans are thinking: "Yes, I got it, I got it now!" And than we do this crazy stuff and thinking we are doing God a favor, but really we don`t! BUt God loves it anyway! HE loves us, he sees to our heart and whatever is going on in our heart is what counts. Sometime I can think that I am doing God a favor but I`m not! But GOd likes it anyway because he looks to my heart! And he knows that I sooner og later will ask him and than he tells me that He could have done that him self. At the same time I understands that I am supose to ask him before I do anything.
Well this is a mess, and you don`t have to read it if you dont want to! ;-)
I had a great moment with God on thursday evening and it where going on the hole evening!!

God is good!