Det er en som ser deg
Det er en som bryr seg om deg
Det er en som ønsker at du skal leve
Det er en som ser DET
- det du tenker på
- det som betyr noe for deg
- det som ingen andre legger merke til
- det som bare du veit om og som du kvier deg over
- det som bare dine nærmeste vet og ikke gjør noenting med
- det som er i dypet av ditt hjerte
Han bryr seg og ønsker å få være sammen med deg
- sammen med deg når du gråter
- sammen med deg når du ler
- sammen med deg når du er deg selv
- sammen med deg når du ikkje er deg selv
- sammen med deg når du ikkje vet hvor du skal gå
- sammen med deg til enhver tid!
Han ser deg og dine tanker!
Det fins en som lengter etter å få være med deg
Det fins en som ønsker din oppmerksomhet
Det fins en som har en god plan for deg
Det fins en som ønsker at du skal leve et liv i frihet
Det fins en som lengter etter at du skal se hva han har for deg
Det fins en som ledet deg til å lese dette fordi han lengter etter litt av din tid!
Når jeg ser din himmel, dine fingrers verk, månen og stjernene som du har satt der - hva er da et menneske at du kommer ham i hu, en menneskesønn, at du ser til ham! (Salme 8,4-5)
fredag, oktober 26, 2007
mandag, oktober 22, 2007
Read this its fun =)

This is my sister and my little brother! My mum is in the background(do you see her?) I love them very much and hope they are meeting God every day!
I`m going to Haugesund, its between Stavanger and Bergen.
My sister lives there
She is the oldest one of my ciblings
She is studying
I love her
She understands me more than anyone else
God loves her so much
She knows that
I love God more than ever! - thats great-
Today is the last day I will see my team for three weeks!
They are the best
I know they love me, even though they don`t know how to show it allways
I have been drinking cacao today
one was really gooooood!!
God is good
He cares for you
I love him so much
He loves me back more
I have to pack today
Need to pack for a week
I will meet my brother and sister in-law this weekend
Thats gonna be FUN
Almost a family gathering=)
God is the KING
The one over everyone
God is the caring one
the one that cares for you even though you don`t believe he exist
I know he exist, he told me so
He also told me that you are so cute reading this funny blog
He told me that you need to ask him that question
You know that question you haven`t dare to ask yet, but you really want to!
you know God so want to answer it, but He is waiting for you to ask first;)
I love God, who loves you, that makes me love you, eventhough I don`t know who read this=)
Be loved!
onsdag, oktober 17, 2007
=D =D =D =D
I just want to tell you how much I care for my team! How much I appreciate them, even though they are boys..... I am so thankful to God because he called me to Sandane together with Anders and Ekki! I don`t think we could be a better team and I am so grateful!
They make me laugh even when I have a bad day(some people will say that its not hard to make me laugh, but still...)!
They listen and they don`t complain when I talk and talk and talk...cause they don`t;)
They listen to me when I tell them how I feel and they love me for me with all the things I do wrong!
Thank you Anders and Ekki for being you!
(even though you might not read this!)
Love Maria
They make me laugh even when I have a bad day(some people will say that its not hard to make me laugh, but still...)!
They listen and they don`t complain when I talk and talk and talk...cause they don`t;)
They listen to me when I tell them how I feel and they love me for me with all the things I do wrong!
Thank you Anders and Ekki for being you!
(even though you might not read this!)
Love Maria
tirsdag, oktober 09, 2007
Is it about time to update this blog or what?!?
What`s been going on?
Well, last tuesday to friday we had a visitor! It was Werner(our team contact in Skien)and it was really fun to meet him again and to have someone from the base up here! I will sey the best part was when I could join him to Skien again and visit my friends there:D Friends and meet some new friends too! :D I were in Skien for almost a week and than I came back to Sandane! :)
Back to my dear team, which I love very much! They are like brothers to me already!
Spend time with God cause he loves YOU!
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