...up to the water they call "vannassen". Parts of the path going up is totally dark after the sunset. While walking I was singing worship songs and praising God even though my feelings wasen`t quite there. When I came to the part where its totally dark I started singing the song "Amazing Love". When I did that the moon showed up and I could see the path!!!! Oh, it made me feel like I had all Gods attention and that He had pleasure in my worship. That was so amazing, felt so special. I`m Daddy`s little princess and He loves me and He cares!
I was walking in town with two friends. One of them looked at a car and said something like, look the taxi have been in an accident. The car had some damage in the front. My other friend who diden`t listen, said: "Oh, are you going to take a taxi?" That made me burst into laughter. I still laugh when I think of it. Hehe
I just have to say that I am so relieved. Last week I had my homeexam for this semester and I were able to comlete it in time and I am now free from school untill the beginning of Januray, and how I need that. I were to exhausted after my exam and I`ll probably need a week to recover. But I take on day at a time. Some days is harder than other. Today is just a fun day. Have been with lovly friends and are going to be with more lovly friends in the evening =)
If you read this and are one of my friends that have been praying for the little girl called Synne, I want you to know that she`s gone to be with Jesus in Heaven. So you don`t need to pray for her anymore, but I know the family still need alot of prayer. They have a little girl that is just 6 month old.
Thanks for praying for her.
God bless you, my friend.
Untill next time: Be blessed!
Når jeg ser din himmel, dine fingrers verk, månen og stjernene som du har satt der - hva er da et menneske at du kommer ham i hu, en menneskesønn, at du ser til ham! (Salme 8,4-5)
tirsdag, november 30, 2010
torsdag, november 11, 2010
Something ...
I think I`m about to become crazy. No, I`m not just feels like it sometimes. But I have decided that my feelings is not going to controll me and I am better at it now than I was before I decided it. So I`m in progress.
Those of you who read this and know me, knows that I allways have been good at school and its allways been a priority. The thing is this semester its not. I can`t help it, I just can`t get myself to study and when I try there is allways a good reason for me to not do it. I think the biggest problem is that my only subject this semster is exphil and its hard to understand. And I am tired alot and its realy hard to read something that you don`t understand when you are tired. Or I have headache(well than its impossible to study) or I don`t have had enough sleep(which is one of the main reason for me to be tired). Well, I just have to trust in God to get me through this somehow. I will do my very best to study the next week(from tomorrow untill next friday) because thats when I get my exam and I have one week to answer. I am not looking forward to that, but I am looking forward to friday the 26th of November at 14.01. Than I have Christmas break! :) That will be so, so nice!
No matter what happens, God is allways good.
Those of you who read this and know me, knows that I allways have been good at school and its allways been a priority. The thing is this semester its not. I can`t help it, I just can`t get myself to study and when I try there is allways a good reason for me to not do it. I think the biggest problem is that my only subject this semster is exphil and its hard to understand. And I am tired alot and its realy hard to read something that you don`t understand when you are tired. Or I have headache(well than its impossible to study) or I don`t have had enough sleep(which is one of the main reason for me to be tired). Well, I just have to trust in God to get me through this somehow. I will do my very best to study the next week(from tomorrow untill next friday) because thats when I get my exam and I have one week to answer. I am not looking forward to that, but I am looking forward to friday the 26th of November at 14.01. Than I have Christmas break! :) That will be so, so nice!
No matter what happens, God is allways good.
torsdag, november 04, 2010
How is my sleep and my study?
I`ll tell you about it. Its not fun not getting a good night sleep for three nights on a row. Its ok when it just one night with restless sleep, but after two days you are quite tired. Yesterday I decided to have a good day anyway and shoped a little bit and baked=) Its a lot of fun and I love it when I get to eat fresh buns and cupcakes. So I went to bed happy and tired yesterday, not knowing I would be restless all night. But its a new day and God made it, so I choose to rejoice in Him.
School is not good these days. You see, for the first time in my entire life, it`s not a priority. Not that I don`t want it to be, I just can`t get myself to study. I have enough trying to figure out what kind of food my body are reacting to and some other stuff that are just taking all my energi and time. So school is not a priority and its hard to live with it, but I have to so I do it. Atleast its a home exam and it will make it a bit easier and I have to trust in God. Its hard to not put my identity in my grades. Think I`ve done that a long time and maybe thats why I can`t get myself to study. Because I want my identity in Christ and I`m not there yet. I will get there eventually. God is a good and gracious God. I love him because he loved me first!

This is what it looks like when you try to protect your heart from getting hurt over time. You end up not being able to recieve any love at all. But God get break down your walls if you let him. He did it for me;)
Have a nice day and God bless you
School is not good these days. You see, for the first time in my entire life, it`s not a priority. Not that I don`t want it to be, I just can`t get myself to study. I have enough trying to figure out what kind of food my body are reacting to and some other stuff that are just taking all my energi and time. So school is not a priority and its hard to live with it, but I have to so I do it. Atleast its a home exam and it will make it a bit easier and I have to trust in God. Its hard to not put my identity in my grades. Think I`ve done that a long time and maybe thats why I can`t get myself to study. Because I want my identity in Christ and I`m not there yet. I will get there eventually. God is a good and gracious God. I love him because he loved me first!
This is what it looks like when you try to protect your heart from getting hurt over time. You end up not being able to recieve any love at all. But God get break down your walls if you let him. He did it for me;)
Have a nice day and God bless you
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