lørdag, mars 24, 2007

Yes, now I´m in Ecuador!!!!

If you want to now whats going on here in Ecuador you can check out this blog:)

I will not update this blog at all...
But I do send mail to some people... If you want that one and I haven´t asked you, you can send me an mail on my yahoo-mail, if you know it...

mandag, mars 19, 2007

To days untill I leave and I`m so streesed!!!!!

So its just 2 days and theres alot to do! Its so much and I don`t know where to start!! I`m just running around in my head doing nothing... Just like now! I`m sitting here writing my blog, when I should pack all my stuff that I don`t need for outreach! For we need to pack everything... I will survive I just don`t see how I will get time to do everything right now...
Anyway, I really look forward to Ecuador! Its gonna be so fun to see all the stuff God is gonna do through us!
God bless and take care of your self!

søndag, mars 11, 2007

Soon leaving for Ecuador!

Outreach is soon comming! Its just 10 days today(sunday 11th of march) to we leace Norway for Ecuadar. I`m really looking forward to that. Its gonna be so fun and I just love to see how God work undependent on us humans. Its gonna be so fun to see everything God will do through my team and me! Oh, thats gonna be bigger things than he have done before in my life!!
We are gonna be in the jungel for 2 weeks and than we are going into the deeper jungel for another two weeks. Thats gonna be scary and fun, in a way:)

And after the outreach the dts is almost done...Thats a sad thougth... But its true!
But that makes me think even more about what I`m going to do next year, or this fall. I`m going to be on the team in "City for Jesus" thats going to Sandane. And thats a lovely place! I will put out some pictures from the place! Its a beautiful nature there, I love it! I were there the first teamweek we had on the dts...

I`m doing good and I will continue with that for the rest of my life:P
God bless you and your life!! Be happy:-P

torsdag, mars 08, 2007

Tikken(Jonathan`s idé)

Regler: Hver spiller starter med å skrive 6 rare ting om seg selv, eller rett og slett noe ingen andre vet. Bloggere som blir "tatt" må skrive 6 ting om seg selv i sin egen blogg, i tillegg til å angi reglene for spillet. Til slutt velger spilleren 6 nye bloggere som "har den", og lister navnene deres. Etter det er gjort, skriver han eller hun en kommentar på bloggene til hver av dem, for å la dem vite at de har blitt "tatt", og at de må lese bloggen til den som tok dem for mer informasjon

1. Le høgt å lenge av små ting som i utgangspunktet ikkje e så morsomt(jaffal i følge de fleste rundt meg)
2. Som liten fekk eg ein stein i håve. Mens pappa ikkje fekk meg t å slutta å grina for noe, så tok d legen 2 sek til å få meg til å være stille!!
3. Då eg va 3-4 år ville eg så gjerne ha ein pils i familie selskapet! (Eg seie pylsa t pølsa og pils blei då min barndoms forkortelse...)
4. Eg e som regel i godt humør, men bli eg fyst pessimistisk klare ikkje ei gong Laila å få meg i godt humør! (jo, noen gonge!)
5. Noen gonge buse eg ut me ting som absolutt ikkje e passanse i situasjonen...
6. Eg tru på at Eg + Gud = Kan gjøre alle ting!!

2nj, Malin Tangen, Anders, Tonje, Tuva Linn
Lykke til!!

søndag, mars 04, 2007


This is things I`ve been doing this week:

- Relaxing in front of the fire place
- Seen some movies
- Visit my best friend at home:) She is so lovely!!
- Been outside walking
- Made birthday card to my brother that turned 22 the 28. of feburary
- Spend time with my family
- Visit my grandma at the old folks home

(This is my mum and my dad)

(This is the brother that is 22 years old now)

God have been with me all the time!! :-D
He is so faithful and I love him and he loves me:D:D:D:D