lørdag, juli 31, 2010

I am back in Stavanger

I came back to Stavanger on tuesday evening. So nice to be back, must say I love living in Stavanger. Yesterday I started to read for my final(eksamen) that is on September 2th. I were suppose to take it in April, but than I got sick and have to retake it now. Not a good idea to get sick before your finals. Do not recommend it ;) I am so poud of myself, did manage to read for 4 hours yesterday and 2 hours today. Maybe I will read even more today, we´ll see.

"It´s like a blind man in a dark room. Looking for a black cat that isn´t there."
(John Waller - Quest)

"It´s the evidence of things I cannot see. And faith it´s the confidence that you are holding me. It´s stepping out, it´s breaking through. All my doubts and all I thought I knew. 'cause you´ve never lived until you´ve lived(by faith). You´ve never lived until you lived by faith."
(John Waller - Faith is living)

God bless you

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