Når jeg ser din himmel, dine fingrers verk, månen og stjernene som du har satt der - hva er da et menneske at du kommer ham i hu, en menneskesønn, at du ser til ham! (Salme 8,4-5)
lørdag, desember 10, 2011
My week
I have had a wonderful and challanging week. Tuesday I spend time with two friends from Brazil. They made dinner and it tasted really good. Afterwards we went to the cinema and watch Tintin. We were 6 people all together watching the movie and I got to meet some new people. It was fun and the movie was good and I enjoyed watching it.
Wedensday "Laget" arranged Julebord. That was fun too. We were eating pinnekjøtt and everyone was nice looking. We had some games and we were enjoying each others company. We had cakes and I took alot of pictures.
Thuresday I were relaxing all day long. I had the priviligde of painting some paintings and in that way expressing my feelings. It was good.
Friday evening we made cards. It was alot of fun and I enjoyed the company of everyone there. Together we made more than 20 cards.
Today I took the bus to Haugesund and are now at my sisters place. Tomorrow her little babygirl is getting babtized and I get to experience it. Tonight I am enjoying my sister, her husband, her baby, my mam and my dad. A bit fun watching them all making things ready for tomorrow.
Have a blessed day.
tirsdag, november 22, 2011
Lindefjell 14.11 - 18.11. 2011
Monday the 14th I traveled home to my parents place with my sister and her 3 month old baby girl. It was the start of a wonderful week. I can`t put it into words. My sister, my mam and me spent alot of the time laughing and we had heart to heart conversations. We prayed and we enjoyed the company of the babygirl. She is so adoreable. I love her so much. Here are some pictures that were taken with my camera.
lørdag, november 19, 2011
Mine Juleønsker 2011
1. Hårføner med gode råd om varmebeskyttelse ;)
2. CD av Garness "The good or better side of things"
3. Liten og praktisk cd-spiller. Enkel å flytte mellom rom.
4. Toalettveske i mellomstor størrelse.
5. Gavekort på klesbutkk er alltid velkommen hos meg ;)
6. Santa Maria Extra Fine krydder (Pepper, d t fisk, lime blend el noe sånt, mer presist kjem etterhvert. Egentlig k som helst, bare ikkje chicken and steak, for d he eg. Og trenge ikkje salt). Fås på matbutikker med stort sortiment/utvalg
7. Danse timer? (He veldig lyst på det uten å vite hvordan d går an å få d til jul).
8. Ei god bok - LOVE OUT LOUD av Joyce Meyer(andaktsbok)
9. Ein god film(Faith like potato, Bienes hemmelige liv, ...)
10. Lerret og akryll maling er alltid gøy og diverse maleutstyr;)
Og kanskje kjem det fleire ønsker etterhvert =)
fredag, oktober 07, 2011
Back in Stavanger
Now I am back in Stavanger and it is really weird. After all the things I have done and all the places I have travelled it seems so quiet here. I were alone in the apartment yesterday when I came back and I am alone in the apartment today. The others are at work and I am trying to enjoy the quiet time here :)
Sunday I traveled to Haugesund to meet my sister and her family. When I came to friends of ours had invited us all for dinner. That was so nice. I always hope I get to meet them every time I go to Haugesund, but its not always the case. So now I am happy =) I also got to meet my niece for the first time in her life(she is 6 weeks old). On monday we went to the hospital for a check up. I watched my niece and were so proud because she did not cry.
Afterwards we went to Totalen, a cafè in Haugesund. I were taking the bus back to Stavanger and we barely reached it. The baby needed some unexpected care and that delaied us a little bit. I did reach it. But I forgot my food and my sister came running after me. So I got it. Than 2 min later she called me and asked me if I wanted my bottle with water. Yes, off course. She came back and I went in the front of the bus and got it and just some seconds later the buss left the station. That was so cool to see how God did make sure that I got all my stuff before I left. Hehe... I acctually diden`t understand what my sister said when she called me, but I saw her comming back to the bus so I just walked to the front of the bus and when I saw my bottle of water I understood why she came back. Hehe, I do not function well when I am really stressed.
In Stavanger my mam was waiting for me with a car. We drove home together. We split the driving, so that she could get a afternoon nap. We like that in our family ;)
Almost home and my best friend was waiting for me. We spent the next 3 days together. It was fun. On tuesday I stoped by a place close to Vennesla to visit my cousin. We had a good time together. I enjoyed it and its had been to long since the last time. We had a good time and it was nice to see that see is good.
While I was at Vennesla, my friend was shopping in Kristiansand. I was so lucky that I got a ride to Kristiansand city and met up with my friend. Than we went to Sørlandsenteret. A mall. Than we went to her mams place.
It was funny to drive with a gps thats not updated, because it was trying to figure out why we were driving in the field. Hehe, we had a good laugh about it.
Her mam had made a good dinner and I ate alot! =) Happy! ;)
Wedensday we had to wake up so early that when we went outside to the car there were still stars in the sky! =D I loved it. I love to watch the stars. We also came home so late that there were stars in the sky, but than I was so tired I diden`t notice. We took the boat to Denmark at 0800. In Denmark we had alot of fun. At one point we were driving on a dirt road passing by a farm and thats what happens when you have to rely on a gps thats not up to date ;) We had alot of fun. We also went to Bilka and got some cheap stuff ;)
Back in Hirtshals(that is where we were going to take the boat from) we could see the effect the wind had on the sea. So we were wondering if the boat would be albe to take us home that evening. We prayed it would, and it did. It was one hour late comming into Hirtshals. And it was one hour late comming home to Kristiansand and Norway! ;) But God answered our prayer, we came home that evening. We had to drive for a while and I think I was in bed at 03.50 in the morning. That was a long day. I did sleep abit on the boat and in the car. :)
Thursday we slept in and relax all day. I hat to take the train back to Stavanger at 5pm. So now I am back in Stavanger and I am exhausted, but thats ok. I had a really good week and I will relax all weekend. The things I am doing this weekend is going to be for fun and no stress at all! =)
My best friend, Tina:
Me at the boat
One of my many pictures of the sea from the boat
The ghosts on the boat ;) I took picture of the feet of people passing by where I was sitting on the boat
Me on the boat on the way home. I was really tired
God is faithful and He is with you always! =)
søndag, oktober 02, 2011
A traveling week
If that makes any sense...
Anyway, my point is that this week I am going to travel alot and I am looking forward to every single bite of it! Today I will travel to meet my youngest niece for the very first time in my life. She is born i August and I am so lucky that gets to meet her, finally! =) I will stay there untill tomorrow. Than I will take the bus to Stavanger again and there my mam happens to be with a car. She is driving me home and there I will visit my best friend. Together the to of us will go to Kristiansand for one day and the next day we will take the boat to Denmark and be there all day. The day after I am taking the train back to my place here in Stavanger.
I am so blessed that get to travel and it is amazing! =) I love that I can do this. I am so excited to meet my niece, but I am also so excited to meet my sister and her husband too. Its been a long time now. They are good parents and I know they will keep being good parents! ;)
I might even stop by at my cousin place close to Kristiansand and meet her for some hours on tuesday. Haven`t seen her in such a long time. That will be nice and I am so excited! =)
Thank you Jesus, for my life that is good! =)
onsdag, september 28, 2011
Livet - Life
Hello you who read my blog. I haven`t been updating my blog that much since I was in Uganda this summer. That is because I don`t feel like writing here unless I have something good to write about and I haven`t had evergy to do so the last months. My health is worse now in a new way and that is all I will say online. My friends and family knows what its about and that is good enough for me. They are good to me and they pray for me. God is true to me and his promises has never failed me. God has never failed me. He is stronger than me and he is greater than my problems. There is not a single problem in this world that God can`t handle. He is so big it is impossible for me to understand it with my brain. He is love, the kind of love we humans don`t have. The only way we can love with his love is if we let him love us. If we choose to resieve his love for us we are capable to love others with that same love. Thats my desire, to love other people the way He loves me. To show the world, my family and friends that God do love them. God do see them and God will never leave them. There is no place on earth that God is not. He is everywhere. He is good and I love him because He loved me first!
Have a good day
En fortelling eg kom over(vet ikke om den er sann)
Eg var ny på ungdomsskolen, og en dag så jeg en gutt fra min klasse som var på vei hjem. Det så ut som han bar alle bøkene sine. Jeg tenkte for meg selv, hvorfor vil noen ta alle bøkene med seg hjem på en fredag? Han må virkelig være en nerd. Jeg hadde planlagt en ganske fin helg (fest og spille fotballkamp med vennene mine i morgen ettermiddag), så jeg ristet på hue og gikk videre.
Da jeg gikk der, så jeg en gjeng med gutter, som kom løpende mot ham. De løp på ham, slo alle bøkene ut av hendene hans, og sparket beina vekk under ham så han landet rett i søla. Brillene hans for av ham og jeg så de landet ca ett par meter i fra ham. Han så opp og jeg så en forferdelig tristhet i øynene hans. Jeg følte virkelig synd på ham, så jeg løp bort til ham.
Mens han krøp rundt for å finne brillene sine, så jeg tårer i øynene hans. Da jeg gav brillene til ham, sa jeg- "De der typene der er noen tullinger. De skulle hatt juling!"
... ...
Han så på meg og sa- "Hei, takk!" Det var et stort smil i ansiktet hans.
Jeg hjalp ham med å plukke opp bøkene hans, og spurte ham hvor han bodde. Det viste seg at han bodde jo i nærheten av meg så jeg spurte ham hvorfor jeg ikke hadde sett ham før. Han fortalte at han hadde gått på en privatskole frem til nå. Jeg ville aldri hengt sammen med noen fra en privatskole før. Vi pratet hele veien hjem, og jeg bar bøkene hans. Han viste seg faktisk å være en ganske kul type. Jeg spurte ham om han ville være med å spille fotball på lørdag med meg og vennene mine. Han sa ja.
Vi holdt sammen hele helgen, og jo mer jeg ble kjent med ham, jo mer likte jeg ham. Vennene mine synes det samme.
Mandag morgen kom, og der var Jonas igjen med sin svære stabel med bøker. Jeg stoppet ham og sa,
For en type du er, du kommer til å bygge noen svære muskler med den svære stabelen med bøker med deg hver dag!
Han bare lo, og gav meg halvparten av bøkene.
I løpet av de neste 3 årene ble Jonas og jeg bestevenner. Da vi var i avgangsklassen, og drev å funderte på videregående, bestemte Jonas seg for å gå allmennfag, mens jeg tenkte på handelsgym. Jeg visste at vi alltid ville være venner, og avstandene imellom oss ville aldri bli et problem. Han ville bli lege, og jeg tenkte på bedriftsøkonomi og å satse på fotballen. Jonas var den som utmerket seg i vår klasse. Jeg ertet ham stadig vekk om at han var en nerd.
Han var nødt til å forberede en tale for avslutningen på skolen. Jeg var så glad det ikke var meg som måtte gå opp på podiet å tale.
På avslutningsdagen, så jeg Jonas, han så flott ut.
Han var en av de gutta som virkelig fant seg selv i løpet av ungdomsskolen. Han var gjennomført og så faktisk stilig ut med briller. Han hadde med flere jenter å gjøre enn meg, og jentene elsket ham. Uh! Noen ganger var jeg virkelig sjalu.
I dag var en av de dagene. Jeg kunne se at han var nervøs i forbindelse med talen han skulle holde. Så jeg gav han et klapp på skulderen og sa- "hallo tøffing, dette blir kjempebra!"
Han så på meg med en av disse blikkene (et virkelig takknemlig et), og smilte- "Takk!" sa han.
Da han begynte talen, renset han stemmen, og begynte...
- "Avslutningsdagen er en dag som er til å takke dem som har hjulpet deg gjennom disse tøffe årene. Dine foreldre, dine lærere, dine slektninger, kanskje en trener, men aller mest….dine venner. Jeg er her for å fortelle at det å være en venn for noen, er den største gave du kan gi dem. Jeg skal fortelle dere en historie...."
Jeg så da på min venn med vantro når han stod der å fortalte historien om den første dagen vi møttes.
Han hadde planlagt å ta livet av seg selv den helgen. Han foralte om hvordan han hadde ryddet ut av skapet sitt på skolen, så moren skulle slippe å gjøre det etterpå, og at han bar bøkene hjem. Han så direkte på meg, og gav meg et lite smil. - "Heldigvis, og i takknemlighet ble jeg reddet. Min venn reddet meg fra å gjøre det mest ufattelige..."
Jeg hørte et gisp ut blant mengden av folk , når den stilige, populære gutten fortalte om sitt svakeste øyeblikk.
Jeg så hans far og mor så på meg med det samme takknemlige smil. Ikke før i dette øyeblikk skjønte jeg dybden av dette.
Aldri undervurder kraften i dine handlinger. -"Med en liten gest kan du forandre en annens liv. Til det bedre, eller verre. Vi er alle gitt å kunne påvirke hverandre på en eller annen måte. Se etter det gode hos andre!"
onsdag, september 21, 2011
Eg er velsigna
That is the truth. Even though I have a load of things that could have been so much better in life, I also have loads of stuff to be thankful for.
I have to wonderful friends that I started living with in july and it is so nice to live with them. They are kind and considerate and they care. They look at the world different from me so it makes me look different at things. I like it.
I have a really good friend living a 30min drive from my parents place. She has been my friend for so long and I know I can always counte on her. She is laughing of the things I say and I laugh of the things she say. Others look weird at us, but we laugh. We always have a wonderful time together. We also can talk about deep stuff and that is good too.
My sister, she just gave birth to a beautiful little girl. She is now mam to her first baby and she is having a real good attitude about all the changes in her life. I admire her and I love her to pieces. She has been my friend for so long giving me encouragments and challanged me. She is there when I need her.
I also have a good friend who understands me more than anyone else, simpley because we are going through some of the same stuff. She tells me her seccrets. I know more than anyone else how she feels and whats really going on in her life. What a privilieged that she has such a trust in me. I am so blessed.
My God has given me all good in my life. All good come from him and my life is full of good things.
My oldest brother is married and he lives at Randaberg. That means that I can visit them often, because its not far from Stavanger. He is married to a wonderful woman. Her name is the same as my sister. That is kinda funny, but it is a beautiful name ;) She is strong and she is raising to adorable girls. One is my oldest niece and 3 years of age. She is full of life and I have to run after her and do what she wants when I come visit, but that doesen`t mean I forget my other niece. She is a big smile when I come. She has understood what her sister also understood. It is fun when aunt Maria comes to visit ;) I love it. Children love you unconditionally, so they love me for me. I love them to for who they are.
I also have a nephew living closer to where I grew up, so I don`t get to see him that often. I am sorry about that, but we still have fun when I do get to see him. His parents too are nice to be with. My nephew is a replica of my brother, father and son is like two drops of water ;)
So I could go on and on. I love my little brother and both my parents.
I have a place to sleep and a good room. I have food on my table every day and I never go hungry and if I do, it is simley because I am lazy and diden`t bother to make myself some food.
So I am blessed.
I am blessed to live in Norway. The system heres allows me to take a break in my studies and still be able to keep studying when the break is over. I also get money from the government(nav) because of my health, so I acctually have money for my living.
I am blessed. I am blessed.
I am also so thankful for my relationship with God. He loves me and he cares for me. He provides for me.
Thank you Jesus, for my life and for your sacrifice on the cross. Thank you that your grace is new every day and every night. Thank you Jesus for my life.
I wish you a good day and a blessed week.
søndag, juli 24, 2011
I will pray, will you?
We are all in shock after the bomb went of in Oslo on friday. We are even more in schok after what happend at Utøya some hours later. A part of me is thinking that this can`t happen in Norway. Norway which has always been a safe country to grow up in. We are all shaken up after the horriable things that happend. Its evil and there is only one thing that can overcome evil and thats God`s Love, which I will pray over everyone, all the people that is personlly affected. All the parents that lost their young child. Its so far 85 young people dead(they are from 15-20 years old). I still know that God is with us, even though its hard to see it right now.
I know God is with us, I know He cares for us. He is watching over us and He is the Comforter and will comfort us. He listens and He loves us.
I will turn to Him for all them who can`t take care of themselves right now. I will turn to him for him to comforter the one who seem to not be able to be comforted. He will give hope to the hopeless. Thank you Jesus for being with me, my nation and everyone who needs you in this hard time. Thank you Jesus, that you care more for them than I do. Thank you Jesus for crying with us. Thank you Dad God, for loving us even now when we are so weak.
Thank you for your good plans for my nation.
I know God is with us, I know He cares for us. He is watching over us and He is the Comforter and will comfort us. He listens and He loves us.
I will turn to Him for all them who can`t take care of themselves right now. I will turn to him for him to comforter the one who seem to not be able to be comforted. He will give hope to the hopeless. Thank you Jesus for being with me, my nation and everyone who needs you in this hard time. Thank you Jesus, that you care more for them than I do. Thank you Jesus for crying with us. Thank you Dad God, for loving us even now when we are so weak.
Thank you for your good plans for my nation.
tirsdag, juli 12, 2011
3 more days....
I do not want to think about it, but I have only 3 more days here in Uganda and I have come to love it here. I surely will miss it, but most of all I will miss seeing Peter every day. Holding his hand, watching him making food for me and watching him talk to people on a language I do not understand. Hehe, so I can say that I surely am more in love than I have ever been in my life. I think God have made my heart capable to receive more love and to love more while I've been here in Uganda, both through Peter and through the warm culture! =) I am so grateful. I love his mam and his sister. I love his second family. Tomorrow I will meet his friends and I am sure I will love them as well. I am not sick and I am getting used to the things I did not think I could get use to. I am so madly in love! =)=) I am more happy than I have been in a long time. I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They have really protected me from so much I do not understand it all. Nothing bad have happened to me and I thank God about it. I feel so safe and Peter is surely doing everything he can to protect me!
Thank you JESUS, for Peter.
God bless you.
Thank you JESUS, for Peter.
God bless you.
fredag, juli 08, 2011
Yesterday we went to the zoo together. That was alot of fun and I am so grateful God gave me enough energy to do that. We took alot of pictures of the animals and each other. There were also alot of school children in the zoo and they are so cute. The thing I liked the least was the spiders and they were everywere with their webs suddenly hanging some meters over our heads. No, I did not like them. We took some pictures with Lake Victoria and it is the second biggest lake in the world!! It was big, but I don't think I saw much of it.
Peter is treating me well, taking care of me and protecting me. We are getting to know each other in new ways and I just love him more for every day I am with him.
I want to thank everyone that prays for me and for us! We notice the difference.
Peter is treating me well, taking care of me and protecting me. We are getting to know each other in new ways and I just love him more for every day I am with him.
I want to thank everyone that prays for me and for us! We notice the difference.
tirsdag, juli 05, 2011
Now I am safe in Uganda and I love to be able to spend time with my Dear Peter! I had a long travel but it was so worth it and we had so far relax and let me get use to the warmth and Uganda. I am in Africa for the first time, but I do not think its the last! I hope everything is good at home.
tirsdag, mai 10, 2011
One week later...
... I went to my doctor and He took out the stitches from my finger. Hurray =) I now just had to wait one day and I could remove the bandage(plaster) from my finger. So this morning I cleaned away old, dry blood from the wound. I even took a shower without covering my finger. It feels nice! =)
I also got some medicine from the doctor for pollen allergy and I really think they will make me better. I will know for sure in about a week =)
So I have been thinking alittle bit about lights and saving energy by switching off the lights when you leave the room. You know I live in a doormetry and they have put up these notes everywhere think environment, switch of the lights.
But if we switch the lights on and off all the time doesen`t that use more energy than if we just let the lights stay on? I mean if someone leave the room and come back many times within 5-10 minutes it can`t be good for the light bulbs.
Anywho, thats some of my thouhts...
Have a nice and blessed day.
God`s peace is with you.
I also got some medicine from the doctor for pollen allergy and I really think they will make me better. I will know for sure in about a week =)
So I have been thinking alittle bit about lights and saving energy by switching off the lights when you leave the room. You know I live in a doormetry and they have put up these notes everywhere think environment, switch of the lights.
But if we switch the lights on and off all the time doesen`t that use more energy than if we just let the lights stay on? I mean if someone leave the room and come back many times within 5-10 minutes it can`t be good for the light bulbs.
Anywho, thats some of my thouhts...
Have a nice and blessed day.
God`s peace is with you.
tirsdag, mai 03, 2011
My big birthday drama
After eating dinner yesterday(Monday May 2th) I was going to put the leftover pineapple in box. It was half open and I just neede to remove the lid-thingy. In seconds the can and the pineapple flew out of my hands and I graped my finger on instinct and diden`t know if I had hurt myself. Luckely for me a friend of mine(we share kitchen) were there and she found a paper to me and than I had to take a small look at my finger. It was abit bad, I thnk. I only took a sneakpeak at it(I dislike watching my own cuts). So my friend (she knew just as little as I did about what we should do) ran down the hall to another friend, but she wasen`t in. So we went down stairs hopefully there would be someone there. While we were looking for someone who seemed capable, my friend said: Only there were a nursing student around. And I thought of a friend who lives in the second floor and is just that. So we went up to her room and knocked hoping she would be in.
She was and she looked at the wound and nursed it abit. She said we should go to the ER(legevakten) and have them look at it.
Just so you know she is only in her first year of nursing school and haven`t gotten to the part were you learn when you need to stich or not.
Well we got to the emergency and filled out a form and waited for almost an hour and than they looked at it and told us to wait for a doctor to look at it.
So we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. And when we had waited almost 4,5 hours(from the moment we got there) the doctor called my name and looked at it.
She said I needed stiches. I`m thinking; No! She`s kidding! Its not that bad. But she wasen`t kidding. I got some anesthesia just around my left pointy finger and after a little while it went all numb. I choise to look the other way so that I diden`t have to see the doctor and the nurse stiching together my finger. My friend on the other hand loved that she got so see it. You know its not that far away and she may be doing that herself.
I got home by 11.30 ish but needed like an hour to calm down and be ready to go to bed. I got to bed and had a short but good sleep.
Thank you Jesus.
What hits me is how calm I were and the peace I had through all my waiting yesterday.
Praise Jesus for that! =)
She was and she looked at the wound and nursed it abit. She said we should go to the ER(legevakten) and have them look at it.
Just so you know she is only in her first year of nursing school and haven`t gotten to the part were you learn when you need to stich or not.
Well we got to the emergency and filled out a form and waited for almost an hour and than they looked at it and told us to wait for a doctor to look at it.
So we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. And when we had waited almost 4,5 hours(from the moment we got there) the doctor called my name and looked at it.
She said I needed stiches. I`m thinking; No! She`s kidding! Its not that bad. But she wasen`t kidding. I got some anesthesia just around my left pointy finger and after a little while it went all numb. I choise to look the other way so that I diden`t have to see the doctor and the nurse stiching together my finger. My friend on the other hand loved that she got so see it. You know its not that far away and she may be doing that herself.
I got home by 11.30 ish but needed like an hour to calm down and be ready to go to bed. I got to bed and had a short but good sleep.
Thank you Jesus.
What hits me is how calm I were and the peace I had through all my waiting yesterday.
Praise Jesus for that! =)
mandag, mai 02, 2011
My birthday.
So I have been planning on updating my blog for a very long time, but for different reasons I haven`t done it. Lately its been because I`m having problems sleeping and that leads to me being tired and its really hard thinking through stuff. So the fact that I had a birthday party yesterday and acctually planned it is rare. But I did it =) I had help from some friends, but I`m not sure they know they helped me. Because its not allways that mcuh it takes to help. Just agree with me that what I think sounds good helps very much. And they did that.
So yesterday we were at this place called "Vaulen" at Mariero in Stavanger. Its with the see and we had barbeque and good friends. Everyone were happy and so was I. It don`t take too much planning to have a barbeque when everyone brings there own food, so thats good. So I got my party even though I was too tired to do much planning. It feels so nice! =)
Today I skiped school to get to sleep in and have a relaxed morning and lots of peaceful time with the Lord. Its been nice! I were planning on going to a cafe with a friend, but she got sick, so now its still my birthday but I don`t have anyone to go to the cafe with. Hmmm, well I did ask my sister in law(she loves to go to cafes) but she is at her parents place and than its hard to get to Stavanger. So now I`m thinking that I have to ask some friends and hopefully one of them have time to go to a cafe with me. I hope so.
Tomorrow its only 2 month till I get on the airplane to travel to Uganda and meet up with my best friend and he happens to also be my boyfriend. And when I get to meet him its been a year since we got together and more than a year since I last met him face to face. That will be fantastic, so through all my problems with sleeping looking forward to meeting him will hold me up. And offcause God always keeps me up, holds me and give me all the strength that I need, when I need it.
God bless you and God bless me.
Have a nice day.
So yesterday we were at this place called "Vaulen" at Mariero in Stavanger. Its with the see and we had barbeque and good friends. Everyone were happy and so was I. It don`t take too much planning to have a barbeque when everyone brings there own food, so thats good. So I got my party even though I was too tired to do much planning. It feels so nice! =)
Today I skiped school to get to sleep in and have a relaxed morning and lots of peaceful time with the Lord. Its been nice! I were planning on going to a cafe with a friend, but she got sick, so now its still my birthday but I don`t have anyone to go to the cafe with. Hmmm, well I did ask my sister in law(she loves to go to cafes) but she is at her parents place and than its hard to get to Stavanger. So now I`m thinking that I have to ask some friends and hopefully one of them have time to go to a cafe with me. I hope so.
Tomorrow its only 2 month till I get on the airplane to travel to Uganda and meet up with my best friend and he happens to also be my boyfriend. And when I get to meet him its been a year since we got together and more than a year since I last met him face to face. That will be fantastic, so through all my problems with sleeping looking forward to meeting him will hold me up. And offcause God always keeps me up, holds me and give me all the strength that I need, when I need it.
God bless you and God bless me.
Have a nice day.
søndag, april 10, 2011
I still need to update my blog
So I don`t have time to write anything now, but I hope that I will have time to do it before friday.
So if you are still stopping by my blog: There will be new update here by friday(I hope).
Have a good week and untill next time:
Be blessed and stay peaceful
So if you are still stopping by my blog: There will be new update here by friday(I hope).
Have a good week and untill next time:
Be blessed and stay peaceful
mandag, januar 24, 2011
I need to update my blog.
By writing this I might actually do it some day soon, when I have time. Now I have to get ready for bed so that I will be less tired at school tomorrow.
Peace out and God bless you.
Peace out and God bless you.
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